The INTEC monitoring system “IMS” is a remote data transmission system that enables you to check and monitor your lifts from your office desk .
You can conveniently display one or more lifts at the same time. You can change controller settings, change access rights, activate or set car or landing calls and much more.
In addition to the quick reaction to certain errors of the lift controller, you can save yourself costs of personal error detection on site, because you can interact with the lift controller by IMS and in some cases correct errors in this way.
The software “Liftcontrol” is required on the Windows PC which can be downloaded from the “Download” area.
The free of charge basic version of Liftcontrol enables the direct connection between a Windows PC and the lift controller main board HSE by USB cable. This basic version is used mainly for reading and storing parameters from the lift controller and write back in case of main board exchange.
PC software Liftcontrol and interface boards

The INTEC monitoring system IMS consist of the PC software “Liftcontrol” as well as the appropriate interface board within the lift controller.
The following interface boards are available:
- Modem
- Ethernet
In addition to data exchange between Lift controller and PC the IMS is able to inform the maintenance team via SMS or telefax. An intelligent system for early error detection is implemented in the lift controller software.