Mozambique is still one of the poorest countries in the world. The economy and industry are hardly developed.
On the other hand, there is also a considerable amount of tall buildings with lifts, mainly in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique. However, most of them are in very bad conditions. There is almost no lift industry and also only a few local maintenance companies. Mozambique does not even have legal guidelines for installation, maintenance and operation of lifts.
For this reason, INTEC GmbH, together with Ingenieurbüro Friedrich, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, started a project to establish a training center for lift technicians in Maputo as part of the programme through SEQUA. At the same time, the government of Mozambique will be supported in development of legal guidelines for lifts and a test centre will be established.
In February 2019, 2 employees from INTEC and 1 employee of Ingenieurbüro Friedrich stayed in Maputo for 2.5 weeks. First job was there to install a new INTEC lift control system in the Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC).
As a result, a cooperation agreement was signed with the national standardisation institute INNOQ. As a first step, from the middle of the year (approx. 2 months in Germany, then 2 months in Mozambique) 3 INNOQ employees will be trained as auditors and 4 employees of the newly founded company AMOZEL as lift technicians.
In 2020, the newly trained lift technicians will train about 25 additional technicians as instructors under the guidance of INTEC.